Today the Scottish Futures Trust (SFT) have announced a new plan recommending all private and public sector organisations across the country join forces to help deliver a net-zero built environment.
The plan for 2023/24, which was revealed by SFT – an organisation established by the Scottish government in 2008 – appeals to companies involved in new-build and refurbishment projects as it hopes to increase efforts to decarbonise the public sector by adopting the government’s Net Zero Public Sector Buildings Standard, which was developed and supported by SFT’s team of experts.
Additionally, the plan also prioritises place-based projects, and sets out a goal of unlocking greater private sector investment into EV charging infrastructure and heat networks.
SFT’s Chief Executive, Peter Reekie, said: ‘The infrastructure we need, how it is paid for, what materials are used to build it, and where it is built, all need to be considered with a focus of net zero, place and inclusive economic growth.
‘This isn’t just a challenge for the public sector, but the responsibility of everyone involved in planning, building, investing in, owning and operating Scotland’s infrastructure.
‘The disruption to the energy market that we witnessed in 2022 has created yet another incentive for transition to net-zero energy sources and investment in energy efficiency. So this year, we will be doubling down on our net-zero focus and progress towards a greener built environment.’
The key aspects unveiled in the plan include:
Mr Reekie said: ‘Inflationary pressures have decreased the capacity to pay for the investment we need to reach net zero and increased the cost of transition. So over the coming year, we’ll be prioritising to focus scarce resources where inclusive economic growth and net zero outcomes can be maximised, additional investment leveraged, and public services made more sustainable.
‘We’ll focus on proposals that have clear place-based outcomes, we will use our skills in funding and financing across infrastructure sectors to unlock investment and will work with colleagues across the public and private sectors to improve the delivery of programmes and projects, including through the work of the Construction Accord.’
Image: Jure Tufekcic