It appears to me that much is hidden or disguised from public view in our society by a curtain of illusion, misinformation and downright lies. It is time for reflection on societal inequities and the all too rapid decline of our democratic governance.
Much of what is happening to and with people has been hidden by the manipulation of statistics and analysis meant to baffle and confuse. Even more alarming should be the growing restrictions to the access of any information.
The lack of clarity relating to the personal, psychological and family ramifications of high or inadequate employment is astounding. The portrayal of the poor as abusers of the system of programmes and support is immoral. None of this flawed information allows understanding of the real characteristics of those disadvantaged and marginalised in our society.
Perhaps even more significant is the plight of the elderly hidden from the view of even the most discerning eyes, many now warehoused or kept invisible by their infirmities, poverty or despair.
The physically and mentally challenged are provided for with ‘care in the community’ and hardly statistically recognised. The most visible of these are the multitudes of homeless roaming the streets and alleys of most cities.
This is hardly what one would expect from a supposedly intelligent and enlightened society, where the apparent wealth of those who have provides stark contrast to those without.
It is becoming apparent that our society predominately believes that the only responsibility of an individual in society is to themselves. The concept of communal obligation appears to have been minimised, if not forgotten.
More enlightened societies share responsibilities among individuals, families and communities.
Much of the current dilemma has resulted from the government’s willingness, over the past generation, to take on more responsibility for many facets of people’s lives. This had a price. This acquired control and power has become more important than the people governed. Governments are attempting to push responsibility back upon people, but without returning the power, control or the resources that the taxation provides.
These resources are now required just to maintain the functioning of the systems created by a myriad of political masters over many years with ever more central control. Meanwhile, much of the capital available provides incentives and payments to finance the private-public partnerships that have become the mantra of most governments.
Governments seem to ignore the fact that the private sector, by its very structure and philosophy, requires profit for its activities. This same private sector is abandoning its responsibilities in employment generation, retirement support and its obligations to communities.
Perhaps it is now time for people to begin to take back fully the responsibilities which they have so willingly given to politicians, institutions and organisations that now overwhelm.
It is becoming obvious that the curtain, used to hide these truths, is becoming threadbare. The light is dawning, gradually exposing the fallacies of what many have come to believe and what has been hidden in the darkness. It paints a gruesome picture of life for many. Maybe it is opportune to pull back this now shabby curtain and let the light shine fully on the inequities and realities that are embodied in the society that has been created by the current generation.
It is time, once again, for everyone to share more fairly the responsibilities that are part of any progressive and humane society; even those who have gained most economic advantage through the lie that only they have worked hard and earned it.