The government’s current tiered lockdown approach is causing ‘profound damage’ to local economies, city leaders have warned.
The Core Cities group has written to the prime minister, claiming the government’s current policy is leading to ‘rising levels of frustration across our communities’.
The letter adds that ‘this is not a moment for centralised command and control’ and that as cities ‘we need dialogue and tailored solutions, not one size fits all’.
Last week, Boris Johnson announced the new three-tier lockdown system for England, with different levels of restrictions in each tier.
But the introduction of the new system has not been without problems.
The mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham has been highly critical of the government as it has tried to place his area in Tier 3.
The Core Cities letter, which is signed by Manchester City Council’s leader, Sir Richard Leese, states that lockdown levels must be a matter for local decision and adds that ‘every place must also be able to see a clear way forward and exit route, to inspire confidence and hope’.
It also calls for an improved and locally flexible compensation package for affected businesses in Tier Two and Three areas.
The letter also calls on ministers to fund locally controlled Test and Trace systems and guarantee minimum levels for any furlough payments.
It also calls for clear entrance and exit strategy to Tiered Lockdowns based on local indicators and consistency and transparency for support packages on offer.
‘A measure agreed for any place must be available to all places in a given tier,’ it adds.
‘Big cities have been hit hardest by Covid-19, in terms of health, business and jobs. This is due to high levels of deprivation, and the fact that they are regional economic hubs. But they also offer the best chance we have for recovery and a return to growth,’ the letter adds.
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