
New guidance for £42m Cultural Investment Fund package

The Arts Council England has published the guidance for the three investment funds that collectively form the Cultural Investment Fund.

The three capital funds are the Cultural Development Fund (CDF), Museum Estate and Development Fund (MEND) and Libraries Improvement Fund (LIF).

Originally announced in 2019, the Cultural Investment Fund was put on hold during the pandemic while we prioritised delivering the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund to help the cultural sector manage the immediate impact of Covid-19.

Together with DCMS and heritage bodies, the Arts Council is pleased to launch these three funds, an investment of £42m this financial year, which will support organisations in making a positive difference to communities across England as the arts and culture sector reopens and recovers.

The Cultural Development Fund (CDF) will support places outside of London to invest in creative, cultural and heritage initiatives that are designed to make places more attractive to live and work in and to visit.

The Museum Estate and Development Fund (MEND) is available to non-national Accredited museums and has a budget of £18.8m for this financial year.

And theLibraries Improvement Fund (LIF) has a budget of £5m for this financial year which will help libraries upgrade their facilities to better serve their local communities.

‘After awarding hundreds of millions in emergency grants and loans to help cultural organisations survive the immediate effects of the pandemic, it’s now time to look to the future,’ said culture secretary, Oliver Dowden.

‘The Cultural Investment Fund will boost local museums, libraries and creative projects across the country, helping local communities build back better and ensuring culture is at the heart of their recovery.’

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